Thursday, September 2, 2010

4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor Formula for the Immune System

4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula contains ingredients made by the immune system for the immune system. It represents a revolutionary advancement in Transferceutical™ Science and raises the bar on the standard of support for immune system health with Tri-Factor Formula—a combination of Transfer Factor E-XF™ and NanoFactor® extract. The messenger molecules found in 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula help educate immune cells and support the immune system’s ability to more effectively recognize respond to, and remember potential health threats.


Immune System ,General Wellness


Cardiovascular,  Energy

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.Product information is approved for use in the United States only.

Key features

• Promotes healthy immune system function that, in turn, promotes increased energy and the healthy function of all other systems throughout the body.

• Contains transfer factors (immune messenger molecules) that help educate immune cells and promote the immune system’s ability to more effectively recognize, respond to, and react to potential health threats.

• Features NanoFactor extract that supports immune system balance by promoting the ability of immune cells to know when to act, how to act, and when to rest.

• Ensures exclusivity with protective United States patents: 6,468,534 (extraction process for transfer factors from egg sources) and 6,866,868 (combination process of transfer factors from cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks).